My Writing Projects


The Holy Cow Seriesfishing

A three-part, Christian based, children’s book series about addiction, written through the eyes of a child.

Antonio, a little cow, personified as a boy, shares his experience of being taken away from his alcoholic mother. He tells how his guardian angel, along with his grandparents, helps him to learn who God is. Even through heartbreak and confusion, Antonio shares how he discovered joy and learned to live without his beloved mother.

leaving motelAdults are encouraged to read the stories with and/or to their young audiences and to utilize child-friendly questions, included throughout each book, to spur conversation and help children to understand what Antonio might be experiencing. The book titles in the “Holy Cow” series are: Antonio’s New World, Antonio’s Misses His Mommy, and Antonio Gets His Mommy Back.

The first book in this series, Antonio’s New World is near completion, awaiting final illustrations and edits. The final two books have been conceptualized and will be started in the near future.

 Lizard Lookout

An interactive Seek and Find book for young children, asking them, “Where would you hide, if you were a lizard?” and challenging them to find an elusive, little lizard in his various hiding spots, before he jumps out and surprises them!

This project is near completion, awaiting illustrations.

Hummingbird Hunt

Playing off the theme of Lizard Lookout, Hummingbird Hunt introduces a playful, pint-size hummingbird who doesn’t want to be discovered. This short, rhyming story invites young audiences to seek out the colorful bird, and encourages the reader to realize that, despite their vibrant colors, hummingbirds aren’t always so easy to see!

This project is near completion, awaiting illustrations.

Brittany Boo Needs a Break

The story of a little, brown bear who has a lot of bad luck, much of it due to her own poor choices. Brittany Boo has a heart of gold, but can’t seem to make good decisions and is always finding herself in a mess. Through hard lessons, she slowly begins to turn her bad luck around. Lesson: Learning from our past, consequences of poor decisions, and persevering through trials.

This project is in the concept stages.

 Hazel’s Hugs

A story of a young, blue-eyed hedgehog, who doesn’t like giving or receiving hugs, in part, because she doesn’t like herself very much. Sweet Hazel doesn’t have to look hard to find everything wrong with herself (“Why is my nose so flat?” “Why is my name Hazel, when my eyes are blue?”), until someone special reminds her that she was created as a unique, little hedgehog and shows her the importance of a hug. As Hazel learns to appreciate the things that make her unique, she becomes more affectionate and starts to understand how she can help others to feel appreciated through the gift of a single hug. By the end of the story, Hazel becomes the best hugger in her town and inspires those around her, as her heart for others … and for herself … grows. Lesson: Self-identify, Self-discovery, reaching out and loving others.

This project is in the concept stages.

 Jackie Sue Has Things to Do

Jackie Sue is a hyper, little jack rabbit who moves too fast. She tries to squeeze every possible, fun thing into her day, afraid she is going to run out of time to do all the things she wants to do. In her rush, Jackie Sue continually hurts herself, makes mistakes, and misses out on life’s joys, as well as some important relationships, along the way. Lesson: Take the time to slow down and smell the roses; embrace life’s joys and appreciate the people God puts in our lives.

This project is in the concept stages.

Lulu’s Laws

Lulu, a cute, but stubborn little donkey, has always followed the rules. For her, everything is black or white, right or wrong, and there is no in-between. Those who don’t do things the “right way” deserve to be punished. In time, Lulu begins to learn that some things aren’t so clearly defined and realizes that, in addition to black and white, God made many other colors. Through the story, Lulu discovers the gift of giving and receiving grace. Lesson: Feeling the pain of others, experiencing empathy and offering forgiveness, understanding grace, not judging or condemning others.

This project is in the concept stages.

Teeth and His Team

Teeth is an acrobatic chimpanzee, with a mouth full of big, crooked teeth. He and his friends, Bug, Buzz, and Woody, flip around the jungle helping the underdogs who are getting bullied by the larger, stronger jungle animals. Through the process, they make a lot of special friends! Lesson: Protecting those who can’t protect themselves; embracing every moment in life.

This project is in the concept stages.

JJ’s Journey

Meet a smart, kindhearted turtle with big ears and even bigger dreams of adventure! JJ always talks about a magnificent journey he wishes to take; one full of adventure and fun. But despite the encouragement of his friends and family, he is “slow out of the gate”, giving the excuse that he can’t possibly experience the journey of his dreams because, after all, he is just a turtle. In the end, he realizes that, despite being a turtle, he can get his head out from under his shell and, by taking a step at a time, embark on the adventure he craves! Lesson: Believing in yourself, using the gifts God has given to achieve your dreams; not putting off until tomorrow what you can do today.

 This project is in the concept stages.

 The World According to Cheesus

Cheesus is a little triangle of cheese who goes out of her way to make friends in her new school. While she is able to find a small group of friends who accept her, most of her new classmates are cruel and don’t want anything to do with her. Her father, “Big Cheese”, is very wealthy and lives in a mansion, almost as big as the city. He wants the kids in Cheesus’ school to be friendly to his daughter and offers everybody who is a true friend to Cheesus, their very own room in his mansion. In addition, Cheesus’ true friends will be invited to slide down the waterfalls and ride the flying toys surrounding the magnificent home. It’s a wonderland, where everyone wants to be! Once the kids start to learn of the promises Big Cheese has made, they go to his mansion and ask to have a room. He puts them through a test to see if, in fact, they are truly friends with Cheesus or if they are simply saying so to access to the marvelous rewards. A powerful story of generosity and grace.

Becoming Brody

Take a journey into the womb, discovering what it might be like as a child is conceived, develops in his mother’s belly, and then is born, making eye contact with his parents for the first time. A lighthearted story about a difficult subject, explained from the perspective of the developing baby!


I Was Wanted

A compilation of heartfelt poems and short stories written by adoptee, Shawny Lou Miller, about growing up adopted, her twenty-year search for her birth family, and, ultimately, the God-directed discovery of her roots. Poems and letters, written to her by her birth parents, are included, lending to the fullness of the story.

This project is in work.

Loving Lilly-Belle

Based on the real-life experiences of an anonymous collaborator, Loving Lilly-Belle is the tragic story of a beautiful, funny, intelligent woman, whose life has been anything but happy, and the long-term impacts she suffered after a lifetime of rejection and cruelty. A sad, yet humorous, tale of survival, self-discovery, and finding hope in a heart that has all, but given up.

This project is in the early draft stages.

From Human to Homeless

Created in collaboration with writer, Kathy Hester, From Human to Homeless is a compilation of touching, true stories about homeless Americans, who had the courage to share what their lives once were and how they became invisible after losing everything they’d ever known.  The characters in these stories are real. Their stories are raw and touching. Walk with them, as they rediscover their identity in a world where we are, too often, defined by our monetary value. Intended to inspire those who are struggling and provoke understanding for anybody who has never walked a mile in the shoes of a person living on the streets.

This project is scheduled to begin in mid-2014.

Unsung Lyrics

UNSUNGMegan Calloway is about to die. Meet her on the final day of her mortal existence and travel to Neorah, the courtyard just outside of heaven, where the spirits have been preparing for her arrival.

Created, in collaboration with screenwriter, Mikie DeLong Pyle, Unsung Lyrics is a novel about Megan, a gifted music therapist with a boundless imagination, who dies and embarks on a magical journey to a divine afterlife. In Neorah, Megan participates in The Viewing, an ethereal rite of passage which everyUNSUNG 2 soul must experience before crossing through heaven’s gates. In the end, Megan discovers forgiveness and a freedom she didn’t even know she’d lost, but not before undergoing a painful trial, which leads her to question nearly everything she knew on earth.

I invite you to follow our collaborative blog for story excerpts, news on our joint venture, and updates!

This project is in work. It is approximately halfway complete.

Whispers on Willowbrook

Based on true events, Whispers on Willowbrook is the frightening story of a tightknit family, trapped under a cloud of evil after settling into a new neighborhood.

Celeste Langley and her husband, along with their five children, can barely contain their excitement when they move into an upscale, five bedroom house on Willowbrook Avenue after Kevin’s big promotion.

It doesn’t take long before strange happenings begin. Voices, coming from empty bedrooms. Pounding on doors. Pets growling into darkened rooms. The family knows something isn’t right, but it takes them reaching near-destruction before they understand what it is that haunts them … and the power required to defeat it.

This project is in the concept stages.

2 thoughts on “My Writing Projects

  1. I can’t wait the children’s story especially touch my heart. As I love them so very much. But, the adult story line intrigue me.


    • Hi Kim, the children’s book, “Antonio’s New World”, shouldn’t be too much longer. We’re finishing up some illustrations and final edits now and I’m really excited with how it’s turning out! 🙂


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