Fasting from Social Media, Feeding My Soul

until we meet again[Sigh]

I guess it’s time to do this.

Curious about where I’ve wandered off to in recent weeks?

I’m still breathing … quietly.

A little over a month ago, I started feeling the affects of a starved soul. I’d been spinning in circles, wanting to be the strong, supportive friend, daughter, wife, and mother to everybody I knew, but in the meantime, I was crumbling on the inside.

One of the reasons I started this blog was to meet others with whom I share this world, who struggle through life alongside me, and who wish to know and be known by other spirited, yet faceless bloggers.

I wanted to hear your voices, even though I may never know how they sound.

It’s been a blessing and has helped me to grow in more ways than I could have hoped. But through it all, I became overburdened and neglected the heartbeats of my writing. With two blogs, work, a large family, church commitments, and various social media sites, I’d bitten off a bit more than I could chew.

My spirit became encumbered and every aspect of my life was effected. Marriage. Kids. Faith. Church. Friends. Writing.

My soul felt as if it were covered in a heavy shroud, oppressed. For the first time since I became a Christian, I even found myself questioning the significance of my Lord and Savior. As strange as it sounds, I didn’t question His existence, but His significance.

Shame on me.

I let the enemy influence my thoughts and, in weakness, I allowed myself to be pulled away from the most important thing in my life; my relationship with Christ.

My two current writing projects, Holy Cow; a Christian-based children’s book about addiction and Unsung Lyrics, a novel which God called me to write almost a year ago, have all but stopped growing due to lack of attention and severe malnutrition.

finding jesusAfter a great deal of prayer, soul-searching, and conversations with trusted friends, including my pastor, I’ve decided to hit the “pause” button on my blogging and social media for a while in order to feed my soul and realign myself. I also hope to refocus on the heartbeats of my writing.

Strangely, I’m a bit sad about this decision as I’ve grown to know and love many of you, my dear readers and fellow bloggers. At this point however, I’m of little value to anybody unless I go “off the grid” for a while to readjust my focus. Stop the spinning. Reset my feet on solid ground.

I hope you’ll stick around. Wait for me. Be patient with me.

I’m thankful for you. I really am. And I don’t want to lose your blogging friendship. It matters to me.

In the meantime, I will continue to follow the blogs of my regular peeps and I look forward to being inspired by your wise words and thoughtful posts. I also remain available as your partner in prayer, so don’t hesitate to send a request through the Have a Prayer Request?” page on this blog. I’m honored to be a prayer warrior for you!Findingin Jesus 2

We’ll meet again in the not-so-distant future. Until then, I wish you nothing but UNBRIDLED JOY and BOUNDLESS BLESSINGS!

One thought on “Fasting from Social Media, Feeding My Soul

  1. I understand wanting to feed your soul. Yesterday, I just decided to get up at 5:30 a.m. and drive out to Redondo Beach CA. I wanted to have a nice change to read scriptures and a book called Secure in Heart from Robin Weidner. I usually do this at my kitchen but, I got tired of doing the same routine over and over. I had also taken a 4 hour break from FB because I just needed a break from that also. Anyways, I’m still here, still reading your posts, and still getting encouraged. Thank you so much!


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