Fasting from Social Media, Feeding My Soul

until we meet again[Sigh]

I guess it’s time to do this.

Curious about where I’ve wandered off to in recent weeks?

I’m still breathing … quietly.

A little over a month ago, I started feeling the affects of a starved soul. I’d been spinning in circles, wanting to be the strong, supportive friend, daughter, wife, and mother to everybody I knew, but in the meantime, I was crumbling on the inside.

One of the reasons I started this blog was to meet others with whom I share this world, who struggle through life alongside me, and who wish to know and be known by other spirited, yet faceless bloggers.

I wanted to hear your voices, even though I may never know how they sound.

It’s been a blessing and has helped me to grow in more ways than I could have hoped. But through it all, I became overburdened and neglected the heartbeats of my writing. With two blogs, work, a large family, church commitments, and various social media sites, I’d bitten off a bit more than I could chew.

My spirit became encumbered and every aspect of my life was effected. Marriage. Kids. Faith. Church. Friends. Writing.

My soul felt as if it were covered in a heavy shroud, oppressed. For the first time since I became a Christian, I even found myself questioning the significance of my Lord and Savior. As strange as it sounds, I didn’t question His existence, but His significance.

Shame on me.

I let the enemy influence my thoughts and, in weakness, I allowed myself to be pulled away from the most important thing in my life; my relationship with Christ.

My two current writing projects, Holy Cow; a Christian-based children’s book about addiction and Unsung Lyrics, a novel which God called me to write almost a year ago, have all but stopped growing due to lack of attention and severe malnutrition.

finding jesusAfter a great deal of prayer, soul-searching, and conversations with trusted friends, including my pastor, I’ve decided to hit the “pause” button on my blogging and social media for a while in order to feed my soul and realign myself. I also hope to refocus on the heartbeats of my writing.

Strangely, I’m a bit sad about this decision as I’ve grown to know and love many of you, my dear readers and fellow bloggers. At this point however, I’m of little value to anybody unless I go “off the grid” for a while to readjust my focus. Stop the spinning. Reset my feet on solid ground.

I hope you’ll stick around. Wait for me. Be patient with me.

I’m thankful for you. I really am. And I don’t want to lose your blogging friendship. It matters to me.

In the meantime, I will continue to follow the blogs of my regular peeps and I look forward to being inspired by your wise words and thoughtful posts. I also remain available as your partner in prayer, so don’t hesitate to send a request through the Have a Prayer Request?” page on this blog. I’m honored to be a prayer warrior for you!Findingin Jesus 2

We’ll meet again in the not-so-distant future. Until then, I wish you nothing but UNBRIDLED JOY and BOUNDLESS BLESSINGS!

Aislynn’s Bliss (Where’s Yours?)

Feet dangle freely


Aislynn Elise

Colors ignite

Santa Cruz Boardwalk

Is everything right

Smell cotton candy

Look at the sea

They soak through her lens

She sighs, blissfully

Whether it’s through a camera’s lens, the tip of a pen, or inhaling the Spirit of Christ … find your bliss and cling to it when your world gets heavy!


Aislynn Elise

This post is dedicated to my first daughter, Aislynn Elise. Thank you for sharing your bliss through your camera lens. Yours is a beautiful world, my love! 1604426_10202361479455804_327208029_n

Dying to Survive on Our Own

Sitting in my “writing chair”, beside our fireplace, I was developing my novel when a noise distracted me.

It’s common for a bird to hop around on the fireplace vent outside, but this time, the noise was more … persistent.

What the heck is that little fella doing? I asked myself, wondering what had gotten into my feathery visitor.

Moments later, the clambering grew louder and I could hear tiny objects landing in the alcove beside me.

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Today’s a New Day … Are Yesterday’s Bridges Still Burning?

10347617_10203026513321235_263608587142631923_nLess than a week ago, my 23-year old daughter attempted suicide for the second time in ten years, just days after swearing that she was turning her life around.

For a decade, my step-daughter, who I’ll call “Treasure”, has been on a path of self-destruction, teetering on life’s brink with various addictions and numerous rehab attempts.

Deceit had become the norm, as had escaping the world through alcohol and food. Despite a desire to do well, her instability led to a string of career terminations, relationship flops, and friendship fails.

For the sake of their own sanity, those who love her had to pull away and love her from a distance.

Last week, life lassoed her around the ankles again, dragging her down a familiar road laden with potholes of unemployment, fear, and loneliness.

A year-long relationship reached its breaking point, thanks in part to her boyfriend having his own addictions. Now, Treasure had no place to live.

For the first time in her life, my daughter faced homelessness. NOT BECAUSE SHE WAS UNLOVED – far from it. But, because those who had tried rescuing her in the past were scared to try again.

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I Spent the Weekend Intoxicated

It’s been a while since I’ve been intoxicated, but oh what a weekend I just had!

In recent weeks, I’d let myself get swept up in the cycle of commitments and responsibilities and had forgotten to take the time to slow down and soak in the enjoyment life!

1525397_10202440191023544_1318773862_nThis past weekend offered no respite from obligations, but I managed to weave a little, shall we say, natural high, into our driven schedule!

When I am under the influence, I tend to get a bit emotional. For the sanity of all who come in contact with me, I should wear a warning sign around my neck that reads:

“It’s not you. It’s me. I’m intoxicated right now.”

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Defending my Diaper (The Perils of Stubborn Pride)

Diaper“You look like you’re wearing a diaper,” Ed said.

“No, I don’t!” I defended.

 “Yes, you do.”

“These shorts are cute,” I explained.

 “They look like a diaper,” he continued.

 “Ed, they’re supposed to be loose. They’re designed to look relaxed,” I tutored.

“… and to look like a diaper,” he concluded.

Displeased with the direction in which our conversation was going, I distracted myself with whatever it was I was doing at the time, focusing on the task as though it was of critical importance.

But, in truth, I was looking out the corner of my eye, waiting for Ed to walk away so I could hustle into the bedroom and check out my butt’s reflection in the mirrored closet door.

A few seconds later, Ed returned to the garage.

When the coast was clear, I made my move, tripping over my own feet in the process.

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When Death Triggers Death

10390159_10202919303681061_1348889154615172089_nHello there, awesome blogging friends

It sure has been a while

Forgive my lack of reaching out

Life spun into a trial

A number of my friends saw loss

The ones I love still grieve

No words felt quite appropriate

So I chose to take a leave

It’s hard to write when pain is seen

In friends I’ve known for life

Words of joy and happiness

Conflict with tears and strife

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Devoted Grandfathers, Devastating Decisions, Hateful Opinions

It happens all the time, all over the world.

A loving family is struck by a tragedy that could have been prevented had a different dot decision been made.

What’s a Dot Decision?

When I was a child, my father explained dot decisions like this …

“Imagine your life, drawn on a piece of paper,” he said. “Each decision you make is displayed as a dot on your ‘life map’, and the direction of your life changes at every dot. Some decisions are big. Some are small. All are dots. Whether you made the decision yourself or it was made for you, it constitutes a dot decision and it changes the course of your life.”

Life Map


When Dot Decisions Destroy Lives

A few days ago, my daughter reached out for prayer. Her friend, who I’ll call Nancy, had suffered a tragedy. Nancy had four children. Last week, Nancy’s father dropped her off at work with her youngest child buckled safely in his car seat.

Then Nancy’s father made a dot decision.

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